By: Bilal Bashir Bhat
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had been preaching for a number of years before this wonderful incident of nightly journey and took place. The journey refers from Makkah to Baitul Muqqadis or Masjidil Aqsa as alluded to in Surah Isra or Bani Israel Verse number 1 Glorified be He (Allah) Who transported His messenger for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque [Masjidil Haram] to the Farthest Mosque [Masjidil Aqsa] whose surroundings We have blessed in order that We might show him (the Messenger) some of Our Signs.
This incident of journey has a great significance, in the sense that it confirms and explains some of the basic tenants of Islam.This, confirming the existence of heaven and hell and the Final Judgment, reward and punishment, recounts the genesis of the basic worship [Salat] five times a day, and a number of other aspects of blessings from Allah (SWT) showered on Muhammad (SAW) and his community of Muslims.
One night, it was a Monday night, the Prophet was staying at Um-Hany's house. The prophet had been brought up in the family of Abu Talib and after the Prophet's marriage to lady Khadijah (RA) Ali (RA) used to live with him. Abu Talib's wife Fatimah and her daughter Um Hani were among the first Muslims. Um Hani was the daughter of Abu Talib and sister of Ali and Jaafar. Um Hani's husband Hubayrah was not a Muslim, but he respected the family relationship and the fact that they had accepted Islam. He made the Prophet (SAW) feel welcome at his house and did not oppose his family members using his house as a place of retreat for the Prophet (SAW).
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) is reported to have said that he was awakened by the angel Jibra'eel (AS). His heart was cleansed, and Buraq (which in Arabic means the Lightening), a heavenly beast, was brought for him to ride. Jibraeel (AS) said, "Ride, so we can go."
"Where to?" asked the Prophet.
"To your Lord," said the archangel.
On the Way to the Masjidil Aqsa:
Praying at Other Holy Places
As the journey continued, first they halted at Yathrib and prayed two rakats of prayer. The Prophet was told that he would be migrating to this place. Then they stopped at Madyan and the Mount of Sinai and the Bush of Moosa (AS), and Baithelhem the birthplace of 'Isa (AS) and said two raka'ats of prayer at each place.
Choosing the Natural Religion
Then the prophet felt thirsty and three cups were brought to him: one had honey in it, the other milk, and the third wine. The Prophet (SAW) chose milk and he was congratulated by the angel for the choice of the natural in his religion. He was told he and his people would remain firm on the natural ways.
In the Baitul Muqaddis (The Sacred House In Yerusalem):
The Prophet Is Greeted By the Angels
Then they reached Baitul Muqaddis where he was greeted by angels who were saying,
"Asalam 'alaika Ya Awal, Ya Aakhir, Ya Haashir."
The angel explained to the Prophet (SAW) that he was being greeted as Awal the First [Aakhir] the last and [Haashir] the gatherer because he would be the first to rise on the day of resurrection and the first intercessor [shaafi'] and the first [Mushfi']; and he was the last of the Prophets and he would be the gatherer [Haashir] of communities on the day of Judgement.
The Prophet is greeted by the Earlier Prophets
Then they entered the Mosque where he was received by the Prophets before him-- from Idris and Nuh to 'Isa [Alaihimissalam]. They also greeted him with the same greeting as did angels, "Assalam Alaik Ya Awwal, Ya Aakhir, Ya Haashir."
The Prophet Is Asked To Lead The Prayers
The Prophets stood in rows and Muhammad (SAW) was asked to lead them in prayer. The gathering of the prophets and Muhammad (SAW)'s leading the prayer was to indicate that Muhammad (SAW) had brought no religion other than the one practiced and approved by the prophets before him and that he was to perfect their religion and be its final Messenger.
Ascending To Skies
Then the Prophet (SAW) and Jibraeel (AS) came out of the Mosque and in the company of Mikaeel (AS) and other angels they headed for the seven skies. They were allowed to enter each heaven after the archangel had responded to the enquiries regarding his companion and whether he had been sent for. In the first and the seventh sky, the Prophet was greeted by Adam and Ibraheem (Alaihimassalam) who greeted him addressing him as Pious or Right-Acting Prophet and Pious Right-Acting son and said, "How blessed is your arrival here!"
From the second to the sixth sky, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) met 'Isa and Yahya, Yusuf, Idris, Haroon, and Moosa Alaihimissalam who greeted him addressing him as Pious Right-Acting Brother and Pious Right-Acting Prophet and they said, "How blessed or blissful is your arrival here!" They said,
The Meeting With Allah (SWT)
The archangel Jibraeel (AS) stopped at the Sidratul Muntaha and the Messenger of Allah was brought into the Presence of Allah (SWT). During this Meeting with His Lord, Muhammad (SAW) was greeted with the greetings of peace: [Attahayyatu lillahi Assalat wat-tayyebaat Assalamu 'Alaika Yaa Ayuhan-nabi]. There the Prophet (SAW) saw what he saw. His heart did not lie about what he saw. The eyes did not waver. And Allah revealed to the Messenger what He revealed. Then he drew nearer until Allah SWT says, "He drew nearer" and "He was at two-bows' length or even nearer."
Qadhi Iyad reports Mawardi who said, "It is said that Allah (SWT) divided His vision and His speech between Musa (AS) and Muhammad (SAW). Muhammad (SAW) saw Him twice and Allah (SWT) spoke directly to Musa (AS) twice." On his return, Prophet Moosa (AS) made Muhammad (SAW) go back to his Lord five times with regard to reducing the number of the prayers until it came down to five from fifty.
Then the Prophet (SAW) was asked to speak. The Messenger of Allah glorified Allah (SWT) and recounted the blessings Allah (SWT) had bestowed upon His prophets before him. Then Allah (SWT) addressed His Messenger and said,
"I have taken you as a close friend and as a beloved.
I have had it written in the Toraat that "Muhammad is the beloved of the Merciful."
I have sent you to all mankind.
And I have made your community such that none shall be permitted to speak until they have testified that you are My servant and My Messenger.
I made you first of the Prophets to be created and the last of them to be sent.
I gave you Surah Al-Fatiha
I gave you the seals (the last three verses) of the Surat al-Baqarah from a treasure under My Throne, and I did not give them to any prophet before you.
I made you an opener and a seal."
Thus what was awarded to the Messenger of Allah on this day included presents the likes of which no prophet was given before him: the power of intercession for the pardon for the major wrong actions of everyone of his community who did not associate anything with Allah and five prayers a day.
Witnessing the People In the Hell and the Heavens
Then Muhammad (SAW) was shown both the hell and the heaven. In the hell were the eaters of the properties of orphans and the eaters of usury, adulterous men and women, killers of children, back-biters, slanderers, and many others. Muhammad (SAW) was also shown the Jannah. He saw the Jannat of Zaid bin Haritha, Umar Ibn Khittab, and heard the sound of Bilal's footsteps in one of the Jannats. The details are narrated in a number of traditions.
The Return Journey
It is reported that after the visit of the seven Skies, Jibraeel 'Alaihissalam brought Muhammad (SAW) back to Masjidil Aqsa from where they returned to Makkah. During their return journey, the Prophet (SAW) saw two caravans heading for Makkah at certain distance from one another.
Before departing from Allah's Messenger, Jibraeel (AS) asked the Prophet to inform the people about this incident. The Prophet expressed his fear that people would not believe him. The Prophet (SAW) said, "O Jibraeel, my people will not confirm it." Jibraeel (AS) said, "Abu Bakr (RA) will testify it and he is As-Siddiq."
Prophet Narrates the Incident to Abu Jahl & Other Kuffaar of Makkah
The Prophet was sitting by Hijr in the Mosque when Abu Jahl passed by and asked mockingly what new thing he had brought to say that day. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) told him about the nightly journey to Baitul Muqqadis. Abu Jahal was delighted to find such a wonderful occasion to mock the Prophet, so he asked him if he would narrate that story in front of others. When the Prophet said he would, Abu Jahal went and brought a huge crowd of the Quraish to the mosque to hear the Prophet's story.
The Prophet Describes Baitul Muqqadis to the Quraish
Ibn Isahaq said, when the Prophet (SAW) told them the story most of them said, "By Allah this is a plain absurdity. A caravan takes a month to go to Syria and a month to come back. How can Muhammad (SAW) do the return journey in one night?" This was like it would have been difficult a hundred years ago to believe that a man can take that same journey in an aeroplane in an hour's time; but today we know such a journey is possible in an hour. So the Quraish of Makkah asked the Prophet (SAW) to describe the Masjid al-Aqsa to them. Jabir Bin Abdallah reports how Allah's Messenger (SAW) used to describe this event. Allah's Messenger (SAW) used to say, "When the people of Quraish did not believe me, I stood up in Al-Hijr and Allah (SWT) put (displayed) Baitul Muqaddis in front of me, and I began describing it to them while I was looking at it."
There were, among the audience, quite a few persons, including Abu Bakr (Radi-Allah 'Anhu) who had seen the mosque. As the others heard the description of the Masjid with their mouths open in amazement, Abu Bakr kept testifying that what the Prophet was saying was correct. Finally, among the people sitting there, Abu Bakr said, "That is true and I testify that you are the Messenger of Allah and His Servant." Thereupon Jibraeel (AS) brought the revelation, "
And he who has come with the Truth and the one who confirms him true they are the God-fearing. (Az-Zumur: 39:33)
Abu Bakr (RA) was given on that day the title As-Siddiq-- the True, the Confirmer of the Truth. The Prophet (SAW) also told the Quraish about the two caravans which were soon to arrive. Then when the caravans did arrive, they found all the details to be just as the Messenger of Allah had informed them.
